The Born Again Vision

When a passion for real estate is combined with talented individuals who have an uncompromising drive to succeed, amazing things will happen. At Born Again, it’s our goal to not only have a positive effect on ourselves and our families - but also to inspire, motivate and create lasting change in everyone we encounter. Our motto is and will always be, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way - and failure is merely a lack of effort.” Our company has dedicated itself to everlasting education and professional growth that will make the leaders of tomorrow.

Our strategy allows us to be effective with a full circle/full cycle approach we handle every aspect Including:

  • Locate
  • Analyze
  • Fund Strategy
  • Due Diligence on development and multiple existing tragedies 
  • Develop Proformas
  • Strategize – Full plan of action with proformas
  • Develop and Build a team to Execute the Project 
  • Design Stage Furnish selections
  • Turn-Key Build or  Rehab Plan including: Permits, Engineering, Designers, Architectural, Team to Execute, Furnish, or Stage 
  • List (internal realtor lowers our costs)
  • Manage (Internal full-service team to manage any rental type, commercial, POA or HOA, Short Term Rental Residential, Condo, Apartment, Sing Family Resident, Long Term Rental. 

We locate the properties and or land with our team of licensed realtors, we perform extensive research to ensure we target the best areas, analyzing the demographics, migration patterns, population growth, income, etc. we look at all the details along with city planning to ensure we are ahead of the curve we also ensure that it won’t be oversaturated. We then determine and spend an immense amount of time conducting our due diligence, we acquire funding from our team of investors and licensed mortgage lenders, and we have a wealth of investors and lenders that we utilize to fund millions of dollars for our projects. We handle all of the budgeting on the construction side, planning, permitting, design, and engineering, then we build, construct and or renovate with Born Again Construction Roofing and Solar LLC. Then our sister company analyzes for maximum return and manages the asset with Born Again Rentals LLC if it’s a hold. We often pull the capital out by selling a portion and or refinancing to allow us to recoup our capital and start the next project.

Investors trust Born Again to help them with a full-service turnkey solution to list, manage, and maintain all of their real estate assets from 1 property to over 100 commercial properties, single-family residences, or multi-family.
Born Again Construction Roofing and Solar LLC helps investors, homeowners, and developers build, develop, and renovate their homes, complexes, or office spaces with a full turn-key solution from permitting, planning, design, and engineering to construction.

If you want to invest in Real - Estate or have any questions tell us.

Years of Combined Experience
Dollars Financed
Meet the Team

Who Are We?

The Story Of Born Again

After building a successful multi-million dollar-a-year customer service center, founders Dean & Zandra Jones set their sights on real estate investing. They founded Born Again Rentals and later Born Again Construction, Roofing and Solar LLC starting with rental investment properties in 2014, flips, home rehabs, and wholesaling then progressing into real-estate development in 2016. Zandra and Dean are accredited investors, Dean is a Licensed Mortgage Loan Office and Licenses Realtor. Zandra has her Degree in Business Development and runs the Construction, Operations, and Real-Estate Development side of the business.

We have a full team and paid staff that has been with us for 10+ years and is the backbone of our operations in Rental Property Management, Construction, and Development. At Born Again, our team is highly motivated, knowledgeable, ethical, and resourceful.  Qualified to handle any real estate transaction, our dedicated staff is committed to helping people with their real estate needs and making successful deals happen. Our team of professionals has the integrity to follow up on our promises, and the expertise to navigate any transaction to ensure you’re fully informed to make the best decision possible. 


“We’re highly motivated, knowledgeable, ethical, and  

qualified to handle any real estate transaction.  

We are committed to helping people with their real estate needs  

and making successful deals happen.”


Our services include

Investment Management

Born Again’s dedicated Investment Management team, launched in 2016, is responsible for sourcing programmatic equity solutions to support both the company’s multifamily development and acquisitions teams as well as its build-to-rent, short-term rentals, commercial rentals, co-working spaces, and single-family rental platform. Since inception, the team has raised millions of equity in fund-like structures.


we have one of the most experienced and well-respected construction teams in the industry. Our construction teams live and work in the markets in which we operate, providing unparalleled local expertise, and an extensive network of local contractors, vendors, and suppliers. Additionally, our quality control systems include strict guidelines for budget management, cost control, safety, and communication. We recognize, embrace, and apply the best management practices and standards of care necessary to protect and preserve the environments around us and strive to incorporate green building practices.

Discover + Develop

Demographics: Understanding the local demographics, such as the age, income, and lifestyle of the residents, can help you determine the type of development that will be successful in a particular area. Zoning: Zoning regulations and restrictions can impact what type of development is allowed in a particular location. It's important to understand these regulations and ensure your development plans are in compliance. Market demand: The demand for different types of properties can vary based on location. For example, a high-end residential development may be more successful in a wealthy neighborhood, while a mixed-use commercial development may be more suitable in an area with a high foot traffic.

Property Management

Lifecycle management of real estate assets Single point of contact for our Tenants. We construct and manage our properties with the goal of maintaining long term relationships with our Tenants; our anticipated real estate holding period is forever.

Properties & Acquisitions

Move-in ready Industrial Flex, Office, Medical Retail spaces, and Residential Build-to-Suit - Turn-key leaseback properties built to the Tenant’s specifications Short-Term-Rentals - Short Term Rentals in the best of markets for highest occupancy and revenue.

Company Credentials Info & FAQ’s


We have invested a great deal of time, energy, and capital investment into our real estate education,  attending the nation’s premier real estate investing education program – FB Mastery. Beyond the principles of sound investing, we were trained on how to build a successful business based on systems and predictability. Having completed over 1,000 real estate transactions, our training, coaching, and systems have allowed us to strategically invest in real estate, and grow and expand our business, and they are available for us to leverage when analyzing our real estate deals. After years of flipping and wholesaling and building our real estate portfolio, developing was the natural next step. Creating lasting relationships with lenders who have lent us millions of dollars, and real estate lines of credit and have trusted us with funding our deals through the years with great terms. We are grateful to God for all of our success with a Net Worth and legacy we are blessed to leave to our family. 


“Education is the Key to unlocking the golden door to freedom”

-George Washington Carver

We didn’t become accredited investors overnight. We have spent thousands of dollars to learn how to be successful in this business and do it the right way the first time. Through our affiliation, we are connected with a national network of investors that provide continual support and weekly training on changes throughout our industry. This process has allowed us to circumvent many pitfalls most novice investors would make. Learning the hard way is not a phrase in our vocabulary, and we certainly would not ask anyone to invest with us if we weren’t confident enough to invest in ourselves! 


We Follow A Strict Due Diligence Process 

We have a systematic and disciplined approach when purchasing investment properties, putting each potential investment through a strict due diligence process. This rigorous set of criteria  includes, but is not limited to, the following: 

  • Comparable property analysis and examination by a certified, independent appraiser 
  • An economic study of the neighborhood, city planning and development 
  • Demographics of area, marketability, and growth potential 
  • Statistics on the crime rate 
  • Public transportation and schools 
  • Overall condition of the property, including heating and air, plumbing, electrical, roof, and  structural condition
  • Site plan and study, Geo Tech, Utilities, Max Build Capacity County, Site, and State Restrictions, Permitting requirements, design, Architectural, and Planning

Company Business Model


Our company can acquire great deals on properties because we can act quickly and can close with CASH on the seller’s timeline. This is why we can buy properties at such a discount; obtaining loans with private money lenders and partnering on projects as needed to enhance our competitive advantage over other investors who can take weeks to go through the time-consuming bank approval process to purchase properties. 

We have an aggressive TEAM approach and the ability to expand our client base with our experience and knowledge of deal structuring outside of the box real estate techniques, that takes advantage of all available opportunities within the market. 

We also employ marketing strategies as soon as we purchase an investment property – giving us an advantage over a realtor. Typically, most realtors don’t spend time or money (or very limited at best) on marketing or lead generation strategies.  As a result, it can sometimes take months to attract potential buyers. Using our proven battle-tested techniques, we can find our buyers fast, which allows us to secure a strong sales price and save on traditional sales commissions. This along with our construction and or renovation process with our handpicked and proven construction crews operates precisely as science and as inspiring as art. Add bulk discounts on all materials with our seasoned crews, along with our in house designers, engineers and architects we build the project from start to finish. 

Advantages of Working With Us:

  • We have the experience, business systems, and  knowledge to purchase properties QUICKLY and  with CASH 
  • We create value by finding ugly, vacant homes and  putting them back in use after renovation 
  • We find land, lots, and properties in the best locations to maximize the opportunity for new builds that are flipped, holds, short-term rentals, and or a combination of both or all 3.
  • We pay wholesale prices to all contractors and  typically get bulk discounts on all materials 
  • We have a creative marketing system to find and  purchase properties before they’re ever listed 
  • We find our own buyers allowing us to secure a  strong sales price and save on sales commission

Investing with us also provides a win-win for the sellers, offering sellers what few buyers can purchase their properties on their timeline — in as little as 10-14 days. Knowing that we’re going to develop, or renovate the home and we are buying in ‘as-is’ condition is a very important factor to sellers who live in older, outdated homes, dilapidated structures, or in need of repairs. Sellers will also not be required to pay any attorney fees, closing costs, home warranties, inspection fees, realtor commissions, etc. Although we are not the perfect fit for everyone; we have found we are the perfect fit for most motivated sellers, who are looking to get the most out of their homes without investing money (which they likely will not recoup) into the home.


Our goal is to buy properties in stable areas where there is still strong buyer demand. Part of our grand vision is to improve the overall quality of living in both urban, and suburban neighborhoods, or short-term rental districts. In addition to improving the overall quality of life, we are committed to increasing the value of the real estate in any community we are involved with. Our company builds value by rehabilitating properties that are in significant need of repairs, improving, and developing land that will make great multi-family locations or short-term rental holds. We are able to target distressed properties and breathe new life back into them by renovating and improving the condition and value of the property. By doing so, we are able to create beautiful homes and encourage quality buyers who are looking to embrace the dream of home ownership

The ability to identify a wise real estate investment is certainly a learned skill and not just a formula. We have been formally trained in the classroom and through the school of hard knocks and experience to gain and possess these skills – along with the intuition to spot these great investment opportunities in todays and emerging markets. 

Not every opportunity is a “good deal”, and we have built our company on a rock-solid foundation knowing our numbers along with viable exit strategies. If the numbers don’t make sense to us it certainly won’t make sense to our investors. Our goal is to be in business doing things the right way for many years and creating a company that we will pass down to our children, which cannot be accomplished by taking uncalculated risks. 

Partnering and or Private Lending

A private money loan is a loan that is given to a real estate investor, secured by real estate. Private money investors are given a first or second mortgage that secures their legal interest in the property and secures their investment. When we have isolated a real-estate opportunity that is well under market value, or that can be developed for amazing gains, we give our private lenders an opportunity to fund the purchase, construction, and or rehab of the home or land. Through that process, the lender can yield extremely high-interest rates and or returns, 4 or 5 times the rates you can get on bank CDs and other traditional investment plans. 

Essentially, private money lending is your opportunity to become the bank, reaping the profits just like a  bank would. It’s a great way to generate cash flow and produce a predictable income stream – while at the same time, providing excellent security and safety for your principal investment. You can do what the banks have been doing for years… make a profitable return on investments backed by real estate. There is no other investment vehicle like it. 


Through private money lending, you have the 

opportunity to become the bank 

Partnering on a project as an owner/investor

This works in a similar way as private lending however with this model you will have equity in the project with ownership along with cash flowing revenue and quarterly payouts. The partnership model allows the investor to reap the benefits of gains of equity, with the flip and or cash flow from monthly income if the exit strategy is a hold. The capital is secured by real estate. The partner provides an investment of capital in exchange for equity in the building. In exchange for their investment, partners receive a good rate of return and is agreed upon in writing of the entity contracts, and they also get a piece of the sale when the asset is sold for a profit in the future. A partnership is a Entity that is formed and secures its legal interest in the property and secures its investment. When we have isolated a real-estate opportunity that is well under market value, or that can be developed for amazing gains, we give our investors an opportunity to fund the capital needed to purchase, construct, and or rehab of the home or land. Through that process, the partner can yield extremely high returns, and or cash flow usually 100-200% of the amount of money you invested and 10 times the return you can get on bank CDs and other traditional investment plans. 

Essentially, partnering is your opportunity to invest in real estate at a high level, without having to do any of the work, allowing your money returns to be the highest possible, reaping the profits like the developers do. It’s a great way to generate high cash flow and produce a residual income – while at the same time, providing excellent security and safety for your principal investment. You can invest in real estate without having to do any of the work. Our team handles everything including all the legal, negotiating construction, and managing the asset. It’s the best way to invest and be involved with real estate investing without the headaches and time-consuming aspects of doing these projects on your own. Partners don’t participate in the management limiting liability  beyond their capital contributions, protecting them against personal liability for the partnership’s debts and other obligations. You don’t have to worry about getting the lender funding yourself for projects since we have the relationships and the extensive experience with the banks and lenders fund our projects this allows for ultimate leverage. You will make a profitable return on investments backed by real estate, plus own a portion of the project, you are a partner in the LLC which owns the real estate making you one of the owners. There is no other investment vehicle like it, and it has substantially higher gains than private lending. Many hedge funds are set up this way. 

Grown your wealth and Net Worth by owning and investing in Real-Estate. 

Our equity is built in the purchase of the home, which we are buying 30-40% below a retail buyer – that creates instant equity at purchase. Also, in a typical transaction, we cut out the middleman costs, such as: commissions, mortgage broker fees, loan fees; and our attorney costs are also lower because there is less work for them to review. Because of our buying strategy, we are able to offer our buyers a new, or fully renovated home at or below everything else in the neighborhood. We walk away from hundreds of “close” deals that do not meet our specific buying criteria and simply won’t buy unless it makes sense for everyone involved.
Sitting in Bank PartnershipReal Estate Private Lending
$100,000 x 1% interest $100,000 X 2 $100,000 x 10% interest
12 Month Term = $1,000 ROI 1-2 year Minimum12 Month Term = $10,000 ROI
 *Backed by Real Estate Entity*Backed by Real Estate Private Lending



You are making a 10x greater return 

on your money!

Stock Market  PartnershipReal Estate Private Lending
Completely Unsecured Secured by Deed of Trust or LLCSecured by Deed of Trust or Mortgage Deed
Completely Uninsured Collateral is Fully InsuredCollateral is Fully Insured
Invest at Market Price Collateralized Below Market ValueCollateralized Below Market Value
Returns Are Unknown Returns Are Highest & Fixed and Agreed UponReturns Are Fixed and Agreed Upon Term
 Tangible AssetTangible Asset
 Ownership of Real-Estate Investment 


Private money lenders bring speed and efficiency to our transactions, and our leverage is far greater when we purchase using private cash funds. Many of the properties we are purchasing are in need of quick sale within 10-14 days. A traditional bank requires 30-45 days to close a loan. Many traditional home sales fall out of the contract because of financing issues. Using quick cash as leverage allows us to negotiate a much lower purchase price and reduces our risk. 

Being able to offer a fast closing with private funds motivates sellers to take our offer over the competition,  and entices them to take a much lower price than they would from a conventional buyer. Also, lending guidelines are continually changing and require applications, approvals, junk fees, and strict investor guidelines. They also limit the number of investment properties that can be purchased by one company. 

On a new home purchase requiring renovations, private lender funds will be allocated to the purchase price, build costs, renovations, carrying costs, cost to resell, and a small buffer for unexpected expenses.


Mortgages offer the banks solid, long-term, fixed returns. You can put yourself in the position of the bank by directing your investment capital, including retirement funds, to well-secured real estate mortgages.  Mortgages have ultimate safety because if a default occurs, the bank can recover its investment as the first lien holder on the property. 

Each property we acquire is put through a rigorous evaluation process to assess the profitability before the property is ever purchased. “integrity” is an essential part of our business, and we only make sound investment decisions. Also, for your protection, you are provided the following documents to secure  your investment capital: 

Promissory Note: This is your collateral for your investment capital 

Deed of Trust/Mortgage: This is the document that is filed with the county clerk and recorded to publicly  secure your investment against the real property that we are providing as collateral 

Hazard Insurance Policy: This is where you (as the private lender) would be listed as the “Mortgagee” for  your protection in case of fire or natural disaster, etc.  

Partnership in the Entity: This is where you (as a partner) would be listed as one of the owners of the LLC the LLC would be on the Deed of trust.   

Common Ways Partners and Private Lenders Fund Deals


Cash held in most types of bank accounts can be accessed quickly and can fund your deals in minutes,  instead of hours or days. Fees are generally minimal for wire transfers and cashier’s checks.  

Home Equity Line of Credit 

A home equity line of credit is a very powerful source of funding that many people have and don’t even  think of. Unlevered equity is dead money and it’s not making any interest. You can easily tap into that  money. It’s a way to make sure you’re in first position when we’re ready to pull the trigger and buy a  property.  

Personal & Business Lines of Credit 

Personal loans and “signature lines of credit” can be obtained from most banks or credit unions by anyone with good credit and a stable income. 

Retirement Accounts 

More and more private money lenders are using their IRA funds to invest in real estate. A self-directed IRA  is essentially the same as a traditional IRA, but allows you to purchase a broader range of investments, including real estate. 

Liquidated Securities & Investments 

Investments are a way to put your savings to work earning more money. However, if your stocks and  investments have not performed as you had expected, it might be time to consider other investments. As  you know, stocks can be liquidated as and when you wish. Sometimes you need to liquidate your  investments because you need the money for something you want to purchase such as real estate. 

Investing With a Self-Directed

Most people think that an IRA can only be used to purchase investments, like stocks and mutual funds. But that’s not true! You can get private mortgage loans using the funds which are already in your IRA’S and other retirement plans. As it pertains to lending for real estate investments, enter the Self-Directed IRA. The IRS has set forth guidelines on what you can and cannot invest in with your IRA. Many people are surprised at the scope of options available. From tax liens, gold, real estate investments, and real estate notes, IRA’s are much more powerful than most people ever realized. If you add to that the power of a Roth IRA, which allows you to enjoy your earnings tax-free or deferred, you’ve got a fast road to an easy retirement! However, for you to use retirement accounts for loans, they must first be administered by a third-party custodian. After selecting your custodian, you simply send a transfer form to them and they’ll do all the work for you. Once you’ve done that, you are ready to make private mortgage loans. We would be happy to recommend a local custodian we’ve worked with in the past who can assist you with setting up your account.

Investment Terms & Conditions

Minimum Investment:

When working with private lenders, we have minimum investment amounts on each project and it is a case by case basis. When it’s your first in investing with us, a lower initial investment amount may be agreed upon to ensure you’re confident when working with our company.


The majority of our loans are set up on an 8-12 month note; however, it depends on the size of the project.
Partnerships that are holds we like to see 24 month commitment. If we are doing a tear-down and rebuild, we will have to wait on the county inspectors for many approvals – thus causing delays. We account for all of those details upfront and will give you an estimated time frame for the return on your investment. Also, we do not pool funds – your funding will be tied to one piece of property secured by a deed of trust.

Payment Schedule:

Typically, we pay one large lump sum at closing on a shorter deals. This is much easier to manage for both of us, especially if we’re working out of a retirement account. On a longer deals and holds, we will pay quarterly or biannually.

Taking the Next Steps


If we haven’t already, it’s important to sit down and discuss all these details in person. We will need a clear  definition of what your goals are, i.e. long term investment or short term, and the amount you are comfortable initially investing. At that point, we will present you with any current opportunities that fit  that criteria or contact you as soon as we have one that fits. 

If you have any interest in this opportunity, please contact our office via phone or text 281-903-5259 or send us  an email: 



Word of mouth is typically how we are able to work with private lenders like you. It would be greatly  appreciated if you passed our information on to anyone that may be interested in the opportunity to be a  lender. In our business, it’s always important that we have a steady stream of lenders. Once you’ve done a  few deals with us and you’ve learned how we’re purchasing so low, you may attempt to do it on your own.  If that’s your goal, we’re happy to help you any way we can.


  • Lenders loans the funds we pay on the mortgage funds loaned and on the build cost of the money loaned. If there are delays, we do not have to pay interest on the funds until they are actually drawn. The projections are in the event that all funds are drawn, as a way to plan for the worst-case scenario. Our holding costs should come in closer to half the projected amounts. (Unless there are other lender used you will see on each project lender details)

This is always a possibility. Added to most projects is a 5% cost overrun and have run the numbers with a higher cost overrun. Our numbers can change because we can get deep discounts on construction. I believe our cost to build is fair to the market. I have estimates from several builders and am also basing on other projects completed with similar build plains

  • The investors will bring the capital in the deal detail once completed we can refinance and pull the equity and recoup capital contribution, the investor can sell their interest. 
  • The investor will be required to put a deposit it varies on each project and the final at the closing. .
  • Total Capital varies on each project – we will obtain construction loan for construction costs minus our required contribution. (If lender requires more down based on appraisal and or risk factors these numbers could vary)
  • Investment time frame to complete is established per project.
  • Monthly and or Quarterly calls will be scheduled to stay in touch on the progress.
  • We will form an entity, you will have partial ownership (varies depending on your capital contribution) the asset thereby giving you the ownership of the lot and new construction properties and asset.
  • That is OK you will be a limited / silent partner we will do everything, handling the entire transaction and closing with title (you will have to sign as on of the owners of the company), legal, financing with the lender, renovation, design and furnishings and managing of the rentals. Completely turn – key! You have the luxury to sit back enjoy the asset and ownership and get paid out your profits quarterly!

We will have quarterly updates on each project and you will have access to the dashboard and to our team.

Amazing tax credits available for example if we do an accelerated appreciation, you can receive up to $200,000+ of tax credits the first year depending on your investment amount. If you invest $100,000 you can receive $100,000 in tax credits! We are not accountants we have one on our team that you can speak to that performs these and can answer all questions regarding the taxes and credits. This will offset the investment and provide future passive income along with the ownership of the property.

We will be acquiring the loan from the lender who has funded millions of dollars of our development projects.

  • Most hold will offer you the opportunity to days through the year, where you will be able to use the property we will work together on times available and booking it in advance we don’t want to take the best highest paid dates so we have to work together on usage. You will need to pay the cleaning fee and any small fees or taxes ect.